Current status of World Boxing Council President Jose Sulaiman

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comentarios/ Comments

jose_sulaimanCurrent status of World Boxing Council President Jose Sulaiman

The World Boxing Council and the family of our president , Jose Sulaiman , wish to share his current condition after a delicate open heart surgery which took place on October 1st.

With great joy we inform that our dear Don Jose is successfully recuperating and yesterday a major step forward was taken in his rehabilitation process after spending 50 days at Intensive Care Unit at UCLA´s Ronald Reagan Hopsital.

He is expected to be moved to Physcial Therapy Rehab Center by the beginning  of next week where he will start working on his muscles strength , as all prior complications derived from the surgery  have been defeated and by Knockout !

The Sulaiman family wishes to wholeheartedly thank  all those who have filled them with care , faith and hope giving them much strength to overcome this very difficult moments and to sincerely thank the so many who have reached out by phone , letters , messages and visits showing sincere and unconditional friendship , solidarity and support but more specially the many prayers which have been elevated to God for his recovery.

Finally we wish to thank from the bottom of our heart all doctors , nurses , specialists , technicians , lift team members , and staff who have passionately and with extreme dedication made our Don Jose be on his way to leave the hospital in the near future .

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