Chagaev and Pianeta looking sharp in public work-out


öffentliches Training im Allee Center Magdeburg Einkaufscenter Ernst Reuter Allee ua.Francesco Pianeta ,Michael Wallisch, Tom Schwarz…Chefin Fr. Stange Gläsener
Kampfwoche vor der Box-Gala „Schwere Jungs – die große Schwergewichtsnacht“ 11. Juli 2015 in der Magdeburger GETEC-Arena. Hauptkampf ist die WBA-Weltmeisterschaft im Schwergewicht Ruslan Chagaev gegen Francesco Pianeta. Mit der WBO-Europameisterschaft im Schwergewicht Michael Wallisch gegen Fabio Tuiach und den weiteren Kämpfen mit Tom Schwarz, Alexander Dimitrenko, Edmund Gerber und Apti Davtaev werden erstmalig in einer Veranstaltung ausschließlich Schwergewichtskämpfe stattfinden
SES Boxing Boxen ua Ulf Steinforth Dirk Dzemski

Copyrigth Peter Gercke, Wilhelm Raabe Str.6, 39108 Magdeburg, Tel: 0171 6545444Stadtsparkasse MagdeburgIBAN :DE 91 8105 3272 0042 3354 00 SWIFT-BIC: NOLADE21MDGFoto Honorarpflichtig auch für Internet

WBA World Heavyweight Champion Ruslan Chagaev and challenger Francesco Pianeta are ready for their title fight this Saturday (July 11th) at GETEC Arena in Magdeburg, Germany. Both fighters looked very sharp and focused at the public workout at Allee Center in Magdeburg doing some pad work with their trainers Dirk Dzemski (Pianeta) and Pedro Diaz and Artur Grigorian (Chagaev).
“I enjoy being in Magdeburg”, says Chagaev. “I have received a very warm welcome and feel great being here.” Added coach Artur Grigorian: “Coming to Magdeburg feels like coming home for me. I defended my WBO World Lightweight Championship here back in 2002. The fans here are great and very supportive.” Chagaev had to pose for tons of photos and gave lots of autographs after his short training session.
Challenger Francesco Pianeta looked very calm and relaxed and said that he is looking forward to the fight. “Obviously, this is a tremendous chance for me,” said Pianeta. “Training camp went very well. Dirk is satisfied and when my trainer is happy, I am happy, too!”
Attached: Pictures of yesterday’s weigh-in in Magdeburg (all photos: P. Gercke)